Give Help


Interested in volunteering? Click here for more information

If you are interested in volunteering at our Foodbank……

To express an interest in volunteering, please send us an email to [email protected] giving your name and contact details. i.e. email address and phone number together with any other information you think may be useful.

Following a number of age and illness-related issues we are now looking to add to our pool of volunteers.

We will, therefore, be holding a familiarisation training session on Friday 15th November. If you would like to be included then please confirm this in your email and we will ensure you receive all the necessary details.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018, when you contact Whitchurch Foodbank the information you provide (personal information such as name, address, email address, phone number, organisation name) will be processed and stored to enable us to contact you and respond to your correspondence and provide information.  Your personal information will not be shared nor provided to any other third party.  If you would like to receive a copy of our Data Privacy Statement please send an email to [email protected]

Whitchurch Foodbank is registered with the Information Commissioners Office

Reg. No. ZA022673

Our commitment to Safeguarding and Health & Safety

Whitchurch Foodbank are committed to providing a safe environment for its Clients to visit and for its Volunteers to work in. Therefore policies for the management of Health and Safety, Safeguarding and Data Protection are in place and adhered to. Any requests to view the detail of these policies should be made in writing and addressed to Whitchurch Foodbank, Bargates Hall, Church Street, Whitchurch, Shropshire SY13 1LB

Should you wish to offer your services as a volunteer in another capacity then we know there are a number of charities in Whitchurch who would be pleased to hear from you. The Civic Centre should be able to assist you in your search.

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